Monday, February 3, 2014

Top Five MMORPGs of 2013

5.) Age of Wushu (NA)

 This Free-2-Play MMORPG Sandbox set in an age of martial arts with open world PvP, Intense guild system, no leveling or classes, along with everything else you could expect with any other MMORPG surprised most when it launched in April. Age of Wushu became famous with how in-depth the leveling & class system was taking players weeks to fully understand even with pages upon pages of tutorial reading, And wither you believe that's a good thing or not there's no denying a game with a massive PvP system along with enjoyable combat mechanics plus plenty of PvE content isn't, well enjoyable!

4.) Star Wars: The Old Republic

When Star Wars: The Old Republic had first came out it was basically labeled "Should be F2P" by a major part of the MMO community and soon after its launch eventually went Free-2-Play, And although still on shaky ground has recently bounced back from its discrimination & F2P convergence with the release of its 2 expansion packs Rise of the Hutt Cartel & the more recent Galactic Starfighter which had raised the level cap to 55, added an entirely new planet, while added a bunch more end game content from flash points to operations. Basically if you had left SWTOR last year cause there wasn't enough content your only going to enjoy the updates that the game has received. Oh, an did I mention there's now Starship PvP? Yea, Go check it out!

3.) Neverwinter

For D&D fans this has basically been their year, and they have Cryptic Studios to thank. With action combat and a great story if your a D&D fan or simply a sucker for looting tombs and chests with alittle skull smashing here and there Neverwinter is the MMORPG for you, at no cost!

2.) Rift: Free 2 Play

For me this was head scratching at first. There was never any controversy on why Rift wasn't going free 2 play & as far as I know it wasn't being demanded. Ran by Trion World Rift was branded (as every MMORPG these day) a WoW clone but a damn good one. And although Rift was seeing a sustaining subscriber base Trion World simply announced that they where going to go Free-2-Play to allow more players to enjoy the game while keeping there subscription model as well. At first we were to believe that Rift: Free 2 Play would simply be an extended trial, but we later found out that free players would be able to level completely though the game and participate in many (if not all) of the events that rift had offered to the subscribing members, Making Rift: Free 2 Play one of the best F2P games on the market and completely worth your time!

1.) Guild Wars 2

This really shouldn't have come as a surprise. ArenaNet has really defined the MMO Industry with the launch of Guild Wars 2 with its just beautiful & living world, In-depth personal story, engaging questing system, awesome SPvP, And an unbeatable RvR system and that's just half of what Guild wars 2 had to offer, but it really struck the Industry when ArenaNet announced that it would see updates every two weeks. As months went on Guild Wars 2 just kept getting better and better as more content, bug fixes, and events where implemented into the game making Guild Wars 2 my top MMORPG of the year and in my mind will continue to grow better as time goes on!

-Brandon Losch


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